Through the RiVeR Project, Dundalk Institute of Technology (DkIT) is responding to the impacts of domestic, sexual and gender-based violence through research, education and training.
In partnership with key stakeholders, the project aims to incorporate systematic continuous research and evaluation to build a community of practice at national level.
The project aims to develop educational resources for higher education institutions to raise awareness and build further capacity in this field.
Broadening the availability and opportunities for training for those most in need of further support and education in Domestic, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (DSGBV).
DkIT aims to become the national centre of excellence in the provision of robust and sustainable multi-agency education and training initiatives that includes active engagement in research, dissemination of information and capacity building in the area of domestic, sexual and gender-based violence.
A robust evaluation of the current FURDA programme to be completed by the end of year 1. Based on the findings, a modified accredited multi-agency DSGBV educational programme(s) will be delivered commencing in Q3 of year 2.
Establishing an all-island Centre of Excellence in the field of Domestic, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (DSGBV) in DkIT in collaboration with stakeholders.
Strategic research priorities in the field shall be identified through consultation with stakeholders and analysis of the literature by end of Q4 year 1 with 2 MSc. research students being recruited to undertake research projects by Q1 year 2.
Provide focused, accessible and sustainable learning resources and develop a minimum of three micro-credentials which will be aligned to the three Prevention, Protection & Policy Pillars of the ‘Third National Strategy on Domestic, Sexual & Gender-Based Violence 2022-26'.
Develop DSGBV educational resources for the Higher Education Sector which will be made available to all students and staff within the 17 publicly funded HEI’s.
This accredited programme is the first of its kind to be offered in Ireland and aims to support learners in the development of an appropriate level of knowledge, skill and understanding to enable them to appropriately recognise and respond to domestic abuse.
Visit Course at"I found I had a big gap in my knowledge regarding domestic abuse which became very obvious when I left the hospital to work in the community. I chose to complete the Fundamentals of understanding and responding to Domestic Abuse programme in DkIT after I discovered I had an active case of Domestic Abuse on my caseload. I felt out of my depth and wanted to be better prepared to offer help. The programme gave me an insight into the context of domestic abuse and how it impacts the victim and the whole family. "
Deirdre Healy, Public Health Nurse, Dublin
"This programme has really changed my perception of Domestic Abuse. It is only after completing the programme that I now understand that there are a multiplicity of complex reasons why a victim stays in an abusive relationship. The programme has provided me with many insights which I can now use in my role as a midwife to better support victims of Domestic Abuse."
Deirdre West, Registered Midwife
"I would say that taking part in the Domestic Abuse programme at DkIT enabled me to view our clients and the work that we do with them, from a much wider perspective. The theories and academic content introduced were hugely enlightening, with lots of "aha" moments. But I also learned so much from sharing the experiences and different viewpoints of my classmates."
Irene Doyle, Bray Women’s Refuge Testimonial
"I completed the level 8 “Certificate in the Fundamentals of Understanding and Responding to Domestic Abuse” with the DKIT in 2021/2022. I found the course to be excellent, with a wide variety of lecturers covering the broad and complex issues relating to domestic abuse. The course schedule complimented my busy job as well which was very helpful and meant I rarely missed a lecture. From a networking point, I met fellow frontline professionals working in domestic abuse from many different working backgrounds and still keep in touch with in my day to day work today. As CEO of a domestic abuse NGO, we offer the course to all our team to undertake as part of our team training strategy. An excellent course which I highly regard and am thankful it is available to frontline professionals as we all work towards tackling domestic abuse in Ireland.”
Kathrina Bentley, CEO. Men’s Aid
“The in-depth knowledge and hands on experience of the trainers gave a wide perspective and enriching experience to bring to anybody working in the area of domestic abuse and violence. I highly recommend the ‘Certificate in the Fundamentals of Understanding and Responding to Domestic Abuse’ programme to enhance and inform practice”.
John Kilgarriff, Psychotherapist, Men’s Development Network
“The RiVeR Project is an ambitious project which is targeted towards broadening the availability and opportunities for education, research and training to cohorts that are most in need of further support and education in the areas of Domestic, Sexual and Gender-based Violence (DSGBV)”
Dr. Edel Healy
Head of School, School of Health and Science, DkIT.
The RiVeR Project Management Team. (L to R) Dr. Anita Byrne, Dr. Myles Hackett, Dr. Edel Healy, Dr. Kathleen Nallen, Jill Atkinson, Dr. Geraldine O’Connor.
The steering committee has an all-Island profile and includes experts in the area of Domestic, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence representing a range of national organisations.
The steering committee will inform the development and implementation of the RiVeR project and provide strategic focus, vision and oversight to support all aspects of this ground-breaking initiative.
Brian Conway
Superintendent – An Garda Síochána, Head of the Leadership, Management and Professional Development Section in Garda College Templemore
Laura Cooney
Assistant Principal, Community Safety Team, Department of Justice’s Criminal Policy Function
María Otero Vázquez
LGBTI+ & DSGBV Health Coordinator in the HSE National Social Inclusion Office
Áine Costello
National Coordinator of Barnardos’ National Childhood Domestic Abuse Project
The CourAGEus Project — a dynamic initiative dedicated to working with young people both within schools and the broader communities in Drogheda and beyond.
Drogheda Women’s & Children’s Refuge
The Freedom Programme - 12 week support group for women who have experienced domestic abuse
Drogheda Women’s & Children’s Refuge
DkIT RiVeR Project DSGBV All-Island Community of Practice
The DkIT RiVeR Project Team
What children & young people have to say
The Empower Kids Project, Barnardos in collaboration with 16 services from Ireland
‘Storm and Stress’ An Exploration of Sexual Harassment Amongst Adolescents
Rape Crisis Network
A Safer Space; Counselling Survivors of Sexual Violence Online
Rape Crisis Network Ireland
Supporting a Victim’s Journey A plan to help victims and vulnerable witnesses in sexual violence cases
Department of Justice
Review of protections for vulnerable witnesses in the investigation and prosecution of sexual offences
Department of Justice
HSE National Domestic, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Training Resource Manual
The Active* Consent Programme 2019-2022: Actions, Outreach, Partnership & Impact
Active * Consent
A review of the approaches used by frontline HSE staff to ask about domestic, sexual and gender-based violence
A Study on Familicide & Domestic and Family Violence Death Reviews
Department of Justice
A Report on the Intersection of the Criminal Justice, Private Family Law and Public Law Child Care Processes in Relation to Domestic and Sexual Violence
National Women’s Council and the Department of Justice
Fully Funded MSc by Research Opportunity in Mixed Methods Evaluation of a Domestic, Sexual and Gender Based Violence (DSGBV) Education Programme, closing date for applications is April 12th 2024.
Find a PHD
Fully Funded MSc by Research Opportunity in Mixed Methods Evaluation of a Domestic, Sexual and Gender Based Violence (DSGBV) Education Programme, closing date for applications is April 12th 2024.
Find a PHD
Contact us with any queries about the RiVeR Project at the details below.
If you’re interested in learning more about the RiVeR project, please fill out your details below to be added to the mailing list.
The RiVeR Project was launched on campus in DkIT in May 2023. DkIT in partnership with key stakeholders, aims to incorporate systematic continuous research and evaluation into the RiVeR project and to build a community of practice at national level. This initiative will also drive discussion and debate to inform national policy.
View Press Release on DkIT.ieThis ground-breaking project has been funded under the Higher Education Authority (HEA) Performance Funding scheme (Total funding €833,333) and will run for a three-year period.
Please note that the RiVeR Project does not provide a frontline response to victims/ survivors of DSGBV. DkIT strongly advise all domestic and sexual violence issues and concerns be directed to An Garda Síochána at 112/999 or their local Garda Station. For further information and support contact your local Domestic Violence or Sexual Violence service or the following services: Womens Aid 1800 341 900 | Men’s Development Network 1800 816588 | Mens Aid (01) 554 3811.
For specialist Domestic Violence information and contact details for all local support services please visit For local Rape Crisis centres please visit
The RiVeR Project strongly advise all domestic violence issues and concerns directly related to child abuse be directed to An Garda Síochána at 112/999 or their local Garda Station.
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